Highlight of Chinese Hat was the wildlife (what else??? LOL)
Here is a Galapagos penguin we spotted swimming just off the beach
Here is a Galapagos penguin we spotted swimming just off the beach

A couple of Galapagos Oystercatchers.
This is the only oystercatcher species found in the Galapagos, and the subspecies is endemic to the Galapagos. The population numbers only around 200 pairs.

Some of our fellow travellers enjoying Chinese Hat. Our CEO Milton is in the centre.

handsome marine iguanas, warming themselves on the rocks.

A lovely brown pelican

My favourite crabs were everywhere!

A great blue heron does a happy dance while catching a fish. The fish doesn't look too happy.

A snack in the water

After our walk, we went snorkelling. Here's a parrotfish!

I love the world under the sea!

A sea turtle came very close to our panga on the way to shore at Cerro Dragon (Dragon Hill) in the afternoon.

funny turtle distortions in the water

Coming up for air

The most exciting feature of Dragon Hill for me was the variety of birds.
We saw several Galapagos flycatchers - first sighting for us! (I guess birders call that a lifer, but almost all of the birds in the Galapagos have been lifers for me.)
We saw several Galapagos flycatchers - first sighting for us! (I guess birders call that a lifer, but almost all of the birds in the Galapagos have been lifers for me.)

A marine iguana doing its marine thing

Marine iguanas on land

Pink flamingos!

A wandering tattler wandered by

A galapagos finch (left) and a smooth billed ani.

Another galapagos mockingbird

A black necked stilt with its impossibly long legs

A beautiful land iguana

And last, but not least, a regal great blue heron atop a colourful bush